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Rules and patterns

Maxima has a system for defining rules and patterns. For example, in desktop maxima

let(sin(a)^2, 1-cos(a)^2);

will give \sin(x)^4 \rightarrow \cos^4(x)-2\,\cos^2(x)+1.

Support for let was added in v4.8.0 (November 2024), and only partial support is currently available.

In particular, Maxima's let function makes use of a special operator -> which is unsupported in the Maxima-PHP connection. To accommodate this, you must place let commands inside a block which returns it's last element.

For example, put the following the question variables will work (but the above example will not):

p1:(let(sin(a)^2, 1-cos(a)^2), letsimp(sin(x)^4));

and {@p1@} in some castext (e.g. the question) will give \cos^4(x)-2\,\cos^2(x)+1. Typically, Maxima will not perform this simplification.

Matrix example

Imagine we want I to represent the identity matrix.

/* Note use of a block to make sure the return value ("true" here) can be parsed back into PHP. */
(let(I*a, a),let(I^2, I),true);

Then castext such as {@p@} gives {A^3+3\cdot A^2+3\cdot A+I}.

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