Plagiarism detection through the Plagiarism Detection Software (PES) Similarity via the Moodle Learning Platform:

Plagiarism detection is conducted using the Plagiarism Detection Software (PES) Similarity on external servers operated by Turnitin and AWS Frankfurt.

  1. In the first step, the work to be examined is saved on the Moodle learning platform within an assignment activity and made available to the instructor for grading.

  2. The data processing within the Moodle learning platform is governed by the Moodle Terms of Use and the Moodle Privacy Policy.
    In a second step, the work to be reviewed is transferred to the servers of Turnitin and AWS Frankfurt via an LTI procedure. This external data processing and storage outside the Moodle learning platform is regulated by the privacy policies of Turnitin: Before a study paper can be checked with PES Similarity, the Turnitin End User License Agreement must be accepted prior to uploading in the Moodle assignment. By agreeing to this, it is further assured that the Turnitin Privacy Policy has been read, understood, and accepted. Additionally, the Turnitin Terms of Use must be adhered to. Detailed information regarding Turnitin and compliance with the GDPR can be found in the Turnitin GDPR FAQs.
Last modified: Thursday, 20 February 2025, 7:34 PM